
Birthday Event

A Birthday Event is a special event that is available starting a week before that member's birthday and ends on their birthday!
Select and use that member in Live Shows to earn up points!
Save up points to get a special Skill Card and materials for Costumes!

Monthly Ranking

It's an event with a monthly ranking that you can compete in!
Every song has their own ranking that you can rank on! Compete with players throughout the world!

  • In the case of a tie, the player who scored that score first will be placed higher.
  • Rankings reset on the 1st of every month at 10:00 JST.
Love Live! School Idol Festival ~after school ACTIVITY~ Wai-Wai!Home Meeting!!
TitleLove Live! School Idol Festival
~after school ACTIVITY~ Wai-Wai!Home Meeting!!
GenreRhythm Action
  • This game is playable on PlayStationR5 via Backward Compatibility.
release dateMarch 24th, 2021
Sales PriceFree Base Version + DLC
Supported Languages(Audio) Japanese /
(Text) Japanese, English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese
*Some text may appear in Japanese even in other versions
  • This game uses Font works LETS.
  • Footage and images are from a development build and may vary from the final product.